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Online Resources

For extensive information about the Gurdjieff teaching, G. I. Gurdjieff, and centers worldwide for the study of his teaching, the best online resource is the Gurdjieff International Review. While that site periodically adds new and valuable content, the following articles are especially informative:


The Look from Above by Jeanne de Salzmann


G.I. Gurdjieff and his School by Jacob Needleman


Gurdjieff Observed by Roger Lipsey


Sacred Dance: The Search for Conscious Harmony, an interview with Pauline de Dampierre


The Holy War by René Daumal



Gurdjieff Centers Worldwide


Gurdjieff Foundation of New York

Gurdjieff Society of California (San Francisco) 

Gurdjieff Society of Washington, D. C.

Gurdjieff Society of Philadelphia

Gurdjieff Society of Atlantic Canada

Many other affiliated centers in North America can be found here: Gurdjieff Foundation of New York


The Study and Research Center for Knowledge of Man founded by Henri Tracol

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